Youth & Education
The Legion keeps the tradition of Remembrance alive for the next generation through Remembrance commemorations and the Poppy Campaign, Legion youth sports programs, Poster and Literary Contests, and scholarship and bursary programs.The stories of our Veterans’ service and sacrifice must remain a vital part of Canadian history.
Penetang Legion Branch 68 is involved in one or more youth programs. It may be sponsoring a local sports team, a cadet corps or a scout troop. It may be youth leadership training or other programs that meet the needs of youth in the community.
Whatever the program, The Royal Canadian Legion’s annual spending on youth exceeds $3.3 million and the donation of over 283,000 volunteer hours. As well, all of our programs have several key features that are part of the underlying goals of all the work we do. With these goals in mind, we have developed a series of resources to help both our branches and everyone else interested in being involved in the work we do.
Bursary Forms are found at your secondary school guidance office.
For more information : on your computer go to: Royal Canadian Legion Ontario Command bursaries.
You may also contact the Youth Education Chair of Branch 68.